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Banda Aceh - Tsunami 2004

Writer's picture: Daryll RivettDaryll Rivett

Updated: Feb 25, 2021

Today we take time out to explore and pay homage to the tragic events that were caused by the 2004 Tsunami throughout Indonesia.

With our personal guide (Fidos) we explore many sites of destruction which are now Monuments to the tragedy. First stop was where a local Fisherman's boat was washed up from the local river and ended up on-top of a village house roof. This boat was only 1 of the boats to survive, where others tumbled in the water and were crushed to splinters. So miraculous was this boat that 59 people stumbled and swam to climb aboard in an attempt to flee the crushing waters, and to this day these 59 people are still alive and survived the Tsunami.

Next we venture further inland, many kilometres away to a very remote village where we find the top portion of a Mosque that was incredibly decapitated from the building.

You can see the Mosque here rebuilt today, however many kilometre away still remains the original.

It is a somber and life changing touch of reality to realise the immense devastation that Mother Nature bestowed on this Country.

Next we return back to what I call suburbia and visit the Tsunami Museum, paying homage to the lives lost, impact of devastation and a tribute to the Countries that offered and gave Aid to help rebuild and support Banda Aceh.

I am very proud to state that 'AUSTRALIA' was the No1. country in the eyes of the locals who gave and offered the most support and relief.

From here we travel not far, to see the PLTD Apung 1, an electric generator ship weighing 2,600 tonne that was washed up more than 6 kilometres inland in Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia that has become a tourist attraction.

It is unimaginable to the human mind, how such an enormous ship was washed up and thrown about like a matchstick, and the devastation it also did being pushed through the city. To date this ship remains a tourist attraction/monument to the events.

We stop for lunch within the local streets and shared in cuisine we did not know what we were eating, and walked through the local produce (fish/fruits/vegetables/spices) market to take in the ambiance....

We continued to another site to witness a traditional style home to see how families lived prior to the Tsunami, as life changed dramatically after with new Technologies and advanced building practices for Banda Aceh.

Banda Aceh, an amazing place of survival, resilience, adaptation and belief.

In closing, 'Take Every Chance You Get In Life, Because Some Things Only Happen ONCE', & let my stories and experience give you inspiration to create your own Moments.

Another 'Rivetting Moment', to inspire & ignite the traveller in you, to broaden life challenges & experiences!!!


All photography & videography ©️ of Daryll Rivett


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